RW SGC / GC NW AGN A-Kerr’s Vanna Rusa
Sirocco Mini Me of A-Kerr’s
Mother, daughter, granddaughter L to R, A-Kerr's Ima Dark Child and A-Kerr's Last Look, A-Kerr’s Last Possibility
Our queens are selected carefully and tested rigorously before breeding to ensure that only the best genetics are passed from one generation to the next. The sweetest girls typically go to a show or two before becoming mothers, while those successful at showing may spend the season ‘on the road’. Adult queens live in our heated/ cooled cattery with access to the outdoor runs with views of dogs, chickens, kids and wildlife. I do have a few well behaved girls who live in the house with me, but most females tend to spray as much as males when in heat! Not to mention the caterwauling! Please note that while we have several females on our website, they may or may not live with us, as I work closely with other breeders to ensure the health and well being of our kittens and cats. I also co-own several show cats that are being shown across the country and abroad.
A-Kerr's tests for HCM (cardiologist, heart disease certification) PK Deficiency (blood disorder) Eye Certification (ophthalmologist) PRA (eye DNA), Tri-trichomonas (intestinal) and a wide range of other tests performed either by specialists, veterinarian, or with DNA. As of 2021 we are also screening kidneys and hips of lines that are at risk.
Over the years, we've found that mothering ability is definitely genetic... So we are conscious of this when selecting future moms. Good queens make life easier by raising their babies to be sweet, use the litterbox, play appropriately and meet our pet kitten standards! At A-Kerr's queens are handled daily, and played with a lot to make sure they have the temperament wanted in the future generations. Happy queens make better moms!
My queens are hand picked to balance the traits seen and known in my studs... So, your kittens are a harmonious blend of beauty, structure, and health. The quality of A-Kerr's cats speak for themselves. These cats win awards in the hallways of your home and at the shows. Bred to the standard of excellence.